It was a magical moment to be in a room with so many talented Doctors who have devoted their lives to improving implant dentistry.  The offical press release is below.


Dr. Victor Sendax, Paresh B Patel, Jack Wimmer, Ronald Bulard

92 Dr. Victor Sendax, Dr. Paresh Patel
Dr. Victor Sendax & Paresh B Patel


(New York City, New York, USA)

Old friends and new gathered at a private social club in Manhattan to celebrate the continuing legacy of Park Dental Research Corporation, a leader in dental implant research and products since 1967.

Hosted by Drs. Leonard Linkow, Jack Wimmer, Ronald A. Bulard and Victor Sendax on November 28th, the reception honored the life’s work of its founder Jack Wimmer and his pioneering colleagues.  The hosts further emphasized Park Dental’s ongoing, ambitious commitment to bring value-based implant solutions to dental patients around the globe. 

Dr. Linkow eloquently delivered a moving tribute to Jack Wimmer, acknowledging Wimmer’s early loss of family while at a concentration camp, his study of dental medicine and subsequent move to the US with wife Sally Wimmer, and of Dr. Wimmer’s many contributions to dental implantology.  Based in New York City, New York, USA, Dr. Wimmer became a visionary in dental implantology.  He worked with a burgeoning community of innovative dentists to research, commercialize and distribute tooth replacement solutions around the world through Park Dental Research Corporation.   Dr. Linkow, who has written multiple textbooks and holds an endowed chair in implantology at the New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry, noted that he had traveled the world with his friend Dr. Jack Wimmer.  Dr. Linkow further described Dr. Jack Wimmer’s zest for life and his sense of humanity for the eager groups of dentists they met while lecturing internationally. 

After Dr. Linkow’s stirring introduction, Dr. Wimmer spoke modestly of his career and boldly of a new era at Park Dental Research.  Dr. Wimmer revealed that he chose Dr. Bulard to succeed him at Park Dental over others for a reason:  Dr. Bulard understands the history of dental implants and has a realistic vision of how to build upon Park Dental’s experience to achieve new heights.

In accepting Dr. Wimmer’s challenge, Dr. Bulard described the honor he felt to continue the legacy at Park Dental.  He noted that the new management team quickly developed affection for Jack and is committed to ensuring Park Dental’s success.  Dr. Bulard then discussed the Dr. Isaiah Lew Memorial Research Award and its latest recipient, Dr. Victor Sendax.

The Isaiah Lew Memorial Research Award is presented by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) to an individual who has contributed significantly to research in implant dentistry.

An implant pioneer and a founding member of the AAID, Dr. Isaiah Lew was committed to the “where, why, and how of implant dentistry” and spent a lifetime conducting surgical and prosthetic clinical implant research.   The award is given every year to perpetuate Dr. Lew’s spirit and enthusiasm for implant dentistry.   Dr. Lew was a key collaborator with Park Dental, as reflected by the products bearing the Lew name including the LEW MDI implant line.

Dr. Bulard then formally recognized Dr. Victor Sendax for receiving the Isaiah Lew Memorial Research Award.   Dr. Bulard reminisced about meeting Dr. Sendax at their common office building on 30 Central Park South in New York City, and how their initial meeting and ongoing professional relationship changed the way Bulard viewed implantology.    Dr. Bulard then proudly invited his good friend Dr. Victor Sendax to the podium.

Dr. Sendax recalled his experiences with colleagues in implantology and with Park Dental Research, including his relationship with one of his mentors, Dr. Lew.  After expounding upon the past challenges and successes of mini dental implants, Dr. Sendax reiterated his long-felt belief that minimally invasive implantology could bring great gains in quality of life to patients missing teeth around the world.  He also recognized the ability of Park Dental’s new management team to continue bringing innovative dental implant technologies to market.

After the hosts concluded their speeches, guests continued to mingle and enjoy the diverse gathering, availing themselves of photo opportunities with the impressive group of dental implant pioneers assembled in the historic social club.

For additional information contact:

Derrick Harvey +1.580.798.1022 or Dr. Ronald A. Bulard +1.580.798.4412

Park Dental Research Corporation

2401 North Commerce

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73401

United State of America