
Can Mini Dental Implant Crowns & Bridges Look Good and be kept clean?

I get asked this question a lot from both dentists and patients.  I think the answer is most likely yes.  Lots of variables contribute to the successful outcome of any implant and the crown or bridge that goes over the top of it.  Tissue type, bone level and sometimes how much time and funds the patient has to invest. 

But for the most part I think patients, if given all the information, can be happy with the aesthetic outcome with mini dental implants and the crown or bridge they support. 

My next patient was in for her normal 6 month cleaning appointment.  She stopped me to tell me how happy she was with her fixed crowns on her mini dental implants in her upper jaw. 

1 yr follow up 4 & 5 crowns close up arrows 

These crowns and mini dental implants have been in for 1 year now.  This case used Intra Lock mini implants.  But as I state in most of my posts any well constructed mini dental implant such as the OCO Biomedical mini or micro, IMTEC MDI, or HiOssen mini are appropriate.  Even as a dentist I think I would have a hard time figuring out which ones are regular crowns on teeth and the mini dental implant crowns. 

1 yr follow up 12 crown arrow 

This patient is able to keep her mini dental implant Crowns by First Impressions Dental Lab clean with a normal toothbrush, floss, and/or a water pick.  The two crowns are connected together and are supported by 3 mini dental implants.  The hygienist and patient both can floss between all the mini implants. 

Paresh B Patel DDS  Dentist Mooresville NC

Mini Dental Implants

OCO Biomedical Mini Dental Implant for a Molar Crown ~ 1/2 the Cost & 1/2 the pain

1/2 the time, 1/2 the cost, 1/2 to no surgery needed and less pain?  This is what my patient asked me. She said, 'Are you sure about this?'

She was reading from a poster in our office touting the benefits of mini dental implants.  I told her in most cases YES.  Well she told me….I don't really care about most cases I care about mine!

With that in mind we went to work.  Premini Yes I recognize the open margin on the molar behind the missing tooth.  The patient is aware and will address that tooth as time and $$ allow. 


X-ray of the missing lower tooth molar.  I had extracted a failing root canal tooth about 4 months ago and packed the extraction socket with some Foundation bone preservation material.  The area looked well healed and ready for some 'painless' mini dental implants.



Oco minis in molar

I gave her 1/2 a carpule (shot) of dental anesthetic and placed 2 2.2 x 10mm OCO Biomedical Micro Implants.  Less numbing than I give for a lower tooth filling. 


Oco impression caps mini implant


OCO mini dental implant impression caps in place to take a traditional impression.

Oco mini for molar




Final X-ray of OCO mini dental implants


Lab analogs oco minis


Lab model from First Impressions Dental Lab showing the mini dental implants and the soft tissue silicone. 





Oco mini dental implant crown Oco mini dental implant model profile


PFM Mini Dental Implant Crown to fit over the OCO mini implant




Although this case shows the use of a OCO Biomedical mini dental implant; it could have been done with any reputable mini (IMTEC MDI, Intra Lock MDL, HiOssen etc…)


OK…its been a few weeks and the patient is ready to get her crown. Here are the clinical photos of the mini dental implant crown over the OCO mini implants. 

Mini Implant Crown Molar















Mini Implant Crown Molar view 2 

Paresh B Patel DDS  General & Implant Dentist Mooresville NC

Mini Dental Implants


OCO Biomedical Mini Dental Implants ~ Improved Zest SaturnO-ring

Is it difficult to get 6 mini dental implant o-ball attachments to line up for an upper full denture plate? 

Upper minis


Several mini dental implants in the upper jaw with more than 5 degrees of divergence (off angles)


Is it sometimes hard for patients to line up that many snaps and figure out how to get the denture fully seated? 

Well…..sometimes yes.  As the dentist we have to put the mini dental implant where the bone is, or do another surgical procedure to make the bone ready to have all parallel mini dental implants.  To make it clear, most of my patients decline to have this additional procedure done and we work with what bone is available. 

As the patient the answer is sometimes yes as well. 


Transistor socketsTransistor and the socket it fits in.  You can imagine how difficult it becomes to line up the pins to fit into the socket if they are not all in line.  Even with one off angle you have to figure out which one goes in first to make the pin and socket fit together.  Very similar to the upper denture and 6 mini dental implants.


But hang on….now with the new Zest SaturnO-ring its a bit easier to handle off angle mini dental implants.  These new o-rings allow for up to 30 degree of correction between mini implants.  This is possible due to the housing having a Titanium Nitride race that allows the rubber o-ring to pivot inside.

Oco mini dental implant Saturno ring 

OCO Biomedical should have the Zest SaturnO-rings available to ship.   I have tried them and am sold on their ability to make snap in dentures easier for both the mini implant dentist and patient. These o-rings will fit on most mini dental implants, (IMTEC MDI, Intra Lock, Hiossen,OCO etc…)

Paresh B Patel DDS  Dental Implants Charlotte NC

Mini Dental Implants


No Bone for Dental Implants ~ Would Mini Dental Implants work?

One of the main reasons patients don't move forward with dental implant treatment is lack of bone.  This lack of adequate bone can be in the width or height dimensions. 

Thin ridge

Cone Beam CT scan showing a lower mandibular ridge with severe resorption in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions.  The ridge of bone is only 1.2mm wide at the top and stays that way for 9mm until you get to the wider bone near the chin. 

In this case we had no choice but to flatten the ridge to make room for the smallest mini dental implant we have (1.8mm wide).  Once that was done there was only 11mm of height left to place the mini implant in the lower jaw. 

Lower ridge 
The mouth has a very specialized kind of bone, its called alveolar bone.  This alveolar bone is not found anywhere else in the body.  Its purpose is to hold the roots of your tooth the the base of the jaws.  Once teeth are lost this bone just melts away or is resorbed by the body.  If you have a loose or ill fitting denture or partial the constant rubbing and moving will cause this bone loss to accelerate.  Even in areas of one missing tooth the alveolar bone melts away.  Without a tooth root over time the bone will be lost.  The good news is that any dental implant, mini or traditional conventional will help to keep this bone from melting away any further.  Bone loss for implants

This picture shows how substantial bone loss can be from missing lower jaw tooth molars.  The ridge of bone is thin and is vertically deficient.  Options could be to do a block onlay graft of bone or to consider using mini dental implants.  One of the benefits of mini dental implants is that we can sometimes avoid this additional surgical procedure. 

Large bone defect Area where a tremendous amount of bone has been lost in the lower jaw.  A large defect that would require bone grafting to place traditional size dental implants. 

So what should you do if there is no bone left for a dental implant?  The most elegant solution is to repair the missing bone and gum to gain the height and width that was once there.  This requires the experience and high degree of surgical skill of an experienced Oral Surgeon, Periodontist or a well trained General Dentist who does this kind of surgery on a daily basis.  We refer this kind of treatment to a highly skilled dentist in our area. 

But with every procedure there are some drawbacks.  For this kind of bone grafting or repair the potential hazards are:  prolonged healing time, additional surgery, additional temporary dentures to fit over the repaired bone while it heals, potential morbidity and expense.  There could be additional pain and discomfort or injury to the nerve.  Mini Dental Implants are an alternative to consider to bone grafting or bone augmentation.  The patient not only saves on the cost of the bone grafting (anywhere from $3000 to $6000) but we can use the mini dental implant almost immediately.

Thin ridge that needs grafting

This picture shows how thin a ridge can get.  It would be very difficult to place a traditional implant here without doing a surgical bone grafting procedure. 



Mini implant placed


Here we have placed a mini dental implant without any bone augmentation procedures.




Mini implants thin bone Mini implants thin bone 2


Intra Lock Mini Dental Implants in thin bone.  Here I used a 2.0mm Intra Lock mini; however just about any mini dental implant would work….other minis I use include OCO Biomedical mini or OCO Biomedical micro, IMTEC MDI, ACE Surgical Secure Mini Prep or Hiossen.




Crowns on minis


Porcelain Crowns on the top of the mini dental implants cemented in place.




Thin bone and nerve


This x-ray shows a 2.0mm wide mini dental implant.  Notice how thin the bone is…it is at most 4mm wide.  A traditional regular implant would not fit without bone augmentation(repair) surgery. The pink shows where the nerve bundle exits out of the jaw into the gum tissue.