Missing Tooth replaced with a Mini Dental Implant and Crown

This a part 2 of the missing lateral tooth post.  After orthodontics some patients have a space from a missing tooth.  My patient Zack was one of those.  His choices were:

Walk around with a plastic retainer with a denture tooth in it.  He would have to remove this retainer every time he wanted to eat or walk around with a gap between his front teeth.

Zack Before OCO implant


Zack smiling with his missing tooth.












Before after logo


So in one 30 minute appointment Zack had a mini dental implant placed.  A standard crown impression was taken and in 1 week First Impressions Dental Lab returned his final porcelain crown. 






Close up of the mini dental implant crown.  Day of placement. 

Mini dental implants are easy to place, easy to restore, cost effective and a painless way to replace a missing tooth or several missing teeth.

I think all dentists should get educated in placing mini implants.

There a several good courses that can provide this kind of training:

Mini Dental Implant Education CE Seminar with hands on training.

Advanced Implant Placement

Paresh B Patel Implant Dentist Charlotte NC

Dental Implants Hickory Wilkesboro Boone Asheville NC

Mini Dental Implants